Alcoholic gelato

Strawberry Caipiroska ice cream recipe

Among my alcoholic ice cream recipes, the Caipiroska Strawberry ice cream is certainly the most delicious!
I recommend selling Caipiroska Fragola ice cream especially in the evening and advertising the alcoholic event on social media.
This advertising will certainly fill your ice cream shop with curious people who will want to try Caipiroska Strawberry ice cream

– 300 grams of strawberry pulp (the sweeter and more fragrant the better… both fresh and frozen are fine)
– 300 grams lime juice (squeezed with your own hands)
– 500 grams inulin
– 700 grams glucose 30 De
– 1200 grams sucrose
– 700 grams Vodka (the good one I recommend)
– 4200 grams water
– 50 grams neutral 5

Blend all the ingredients and mix!
Ice cream will be a must for your customers’ alcoholic evenings!